Call For Applications 2024

Dr. Gengchen Mai is currently looking for 1-2 graduate students starting in Fall 2024 as well as 1-2 visiting scholars. The admitted graduate students will work closely with Gengchen in the Department of Geography, University of Georgia on Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI) research. If you are interested in GeoAI, spatially explicit machine learning, deep learning, knowledge graphs, and spatial data mining, you are encouraged to apply. To get a taste of Dr. Mai’s research, you can read some of his publications:

4.Gengchen Mai, Krzysztof Janowicz, Bo Yan, Rui Zhu, Ling Cai, Ni Lao. Multi-Scale Representation Learning for Spatial Feature Distributions using Grid Cells, In: Proceedings of ICLR 2020, Apr. 26 - 30, 2020, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA . [OpenReview paper] [arxiv paper] [code] [video] [slides] * Spotlight Paper (Acceptance Rate 6%, 156 out of 2594 submissions)

3.Gengchen Mai, Krzysztof Janowicz, Ling Cai, Rui Zhu, Blake Regalia, Bo Yan, Meilin Shi, Ni Lao. SE-KGE: A Location-Aware Knowledge Graph Embedding Model for Geographic Question Answering and Spatial Semantic Lifting. Transactions in GIS, 24.3 (2020): 623-655. DOI:10.1111/tgis.12629 [arxiv paper] [code] [video] [slides] * Top Cited Papers in TGIS 2020-2021

2.Ling Cai, Krzysztof Janowicz, Gengchen Mai, Bo Yan, Rui Zhu. Traffic Transformer: Capturing the Continuity and Periodicity of Time Series for Traffic Forecasting. Transactions in GIS, 24.3 (2020): 736-755. DOI:10.1111/tgis.12644 * Top Cited Papers in TGIS 2020-2021

1.Gengchen Mai, Krzysztof Janowicz, Yingjie Hu, Song Gao. ADCN: An Anisotropic Density-Based Clustering Algorithm for Discovering Spatial Point Patterns with Noise. Transactions in GIS, 22(2018), 348-369. DOI:10.1111/tgis.12313 [code] * Top 10% Most Downloaded Papers in TGIS (01/2018-12/2019)

The University of Georgia (UGA) is one of the "Public Ivies" universities and is currently ranked #48 by US News. UGA Geography Department has one of the well-known GIScience programs. Dr. Mai is currently a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at the Department of Geography, University of Georgia, as a member of the UGA Environmental Artificial Intelligence Faculty Cluster. Gengchen got his Ph.D. in Ph.D. in Cartography and Geographic Information Science from Department of Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara in 2021. Before he came to UGA, Dr. Mai was a Postdoctoral scholar at Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL), Department of Computer Science, Stanford University. Dr. Mai has plenty of industry experience. He has completed five AI/ML research based internships at Esri Inc., SayMosaic Inc., Apple Map, and Google X. He was also an AI advisor for Google X in 2020. Successful applicants will have the opportunities to work with different industry sectors and potentially intern at high-tech companies such as Google X. For more information about Dr. Mai, please go to

By working with Dr. Mai, you will not only develop strong technical skills but also acquire important knowledge for scientific research. Successful applicants will be financially supported as a teaching assistant or a research assistant, contingent on satisfactory performance. To become a successful applicant (and receive financial support), you are expected to have the following background and skills:

  • A bachelor/master's degree in GIScience, computer science, information science, or related field before the official enrollment (Jan 2023 or Aug 2023).
  • Great passion for GIScience and GeoAI research.
  • Familiar with one programming language, e.g., Java or Python.
  • Familiar with one spatial analysis and mapping tool, e.g., ArcGIS or QGIS.
  • Research experience in machine learning and AI would be a plus, but is not required.
  • Fluent in spoken English.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please send your CV and a brief statement (no more than 300 words) to Dr. Mai at gengchen.mai25 AT If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Mai.


Gengchen Mai


Room 312, Geography and Geology Building, 210 Field St

Department of Geography

University of Georgia

Athens, Georgia 30602, USA

Copyright © Gengchen Mai